
About IRDO

IRDO has been working since 1st January 1999 with the peoples whose lives are dominated by extreme poverty, malnutrition, illiteracy, disease, handicaps and many other socio-economic problems. IRDO strives to bring about a positive change in the quality of life of the poverty-stricken people of Bangladesh with conducting various development activities.
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Major Program Project

In January 1999, the NFPE Model was started as a three-year program for Children between the ages of 8 and 12, who had never enrolled in any school or who had dropped out during class-1 from the formal Schools. IRDO at first conducted Non-Formal Education Program at Kapasia Upazila under Gazipur District.
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Major Program Project


SL. No.     Name of the ongoing Programs:
01. Non-Formal Education Program.
02. Information Communication Technology Program.
03. Health, Population, Nutrition and Sanitation Program.
04. Skill Development Training Program.
05. Agricultural Research and Development Program.
06. Environment / Social Forestry Program.
07. HIV / AIDS Program
08. Arsenic Mitigation Program.
09. Community Based Library Program.
10. Aqua Culture Program.
11. Basic Literacy Program (Ganokendra/ Awareness program/ Campaign/ Social mobilization/ Women
      Empowerment/ Gender Development etc.)
12. Housing Program (Grihayan Program for Rural Poor & Homeless).
13. Eradication of Hazardous Child Labour In Bangladesh Project.
14. Women Empowerment through IGA Program.
15. Disaster Management and Climate Change Program.
16. Homestead Gardening & Spice Cultivation Program.
17. Disaster Livelihood Program.
18. SDP for Tribal Population.
19. Micro Credit Program/SME.
20. Solar Power Program.

Non-Formal Education Program

In January 1999, the NFPE Model was started as a three-year program for Children between the ages of 8 and 12, who had never enrolled in any school or who had dropped out during class-1 from the formal Schools. IRDO at first conducted Non-Formal Education Program at Kapasia Upazila under Gazipur District. IRDO open 25 NFE schools at first phase in the program area. At first local leaders, patrons of the Organization and the Members of IRDO funded in this program. The program is totally implementing in cost effective way. Afterward different donors and local organizations of Bangladesh funded in this Program. The Schools have no fees; all learning materials for the students are provided by IRDO. These Schools enable the Children to continue their education and prepare them for entrance into formal Schools.
The NFE program was started formally with presence of DC, UNO UP chairman, local elites, guardians of students, teachers, officials and members of IRDO and peoples of all levels of the society.

Brief Descriptions of NFE Programs

  • Reduce mass illiteracy and contribute to be basic education of a significant proportion of the country’s Children especially those from the poorest families.
  • Ensure enhanced participation of women and children in education.
  • Involved communities in their own socio-economic development.
  • Contribute towards a staring the ring of Government’s Universal Primary Education Program.
  • Build a strong foundation for ethical values conducive to the intellectual and material integrity of society and to the general productivity of Labor and Management.
  • Enhance the multi-sectored potential of education in other areas such as population planning, public hygienic and health.

Above-mentioned objectives of IRDO fully fit to the Governments “Education For All” goals by focusing on rural and poor children, expanding the participation of girls and grassroots levels poor children.

Creating the Schools

In order to ensure that the IRDO schools came to educate as many as possible, an extensive geographical selection process is conducted. Every year IRDO sets goals for the number of new schools to be opened, usually in the rural areas. Locating and creating each school is a frequent process, commencing with a visit to prospective village to find the number of eligible students.

Availability of qualified teachers in the same area is another important factor and surveys are different areas to assess parental demand for schools. Finally, the proximity of the new School on the feasibility of forming a cluster of schools is considered.

An area under survey comprises at least 10 villages and IRDO will then only enter if it can establish school in a cluster of at least 10 villages within a short distance of a team office. This is done mainly to accommodate the teacher so that they do not have to travel long distances to attend the monthly refreshers courses.

Once a demand for School in a certain area exists, a list of prospective student and teachers is created. The list of the students is checked with the other local Gov. Schools to make sure that no student is already enrolled in these schools and to ascertain that the children have indeed dropped out. This ensures that the IRDO’s schools are complementing the Gov. Education program rather than competing with it. After the student list is finalized and the teachers identified, one school is opened in a village for every 30 students. The selection process is complete. When the community and the local landowner help to choose a School site and build the classroom.

The School is one room School and temporary in nature. This allows cost effectiveness, rather than spending too much on the infrastructure. The students of IRDO schools are the children from the poor and the landless portion. They are the unreachable, which have been denied education because of gender and poverty. Emphasis is placed on creating an environment, which would gradually lead to equal education opportunities for other boys and girls reinforcing IRDO’s efforts towards gender party.


The students of IRDO School comprise children of poor families and 60% of the learns are girls. After completing the three-year cycle, they normally transfer to the formal schools.


More than 80% of the teachers are women, married and locally resident. They are usually graduates of class xi and are given on initial fifteen days training at one of the IRDO training centers, followed by periodical training at the beginning of each year. Regular monthly one-day refresher courses are provided. IN all IRDO School the same teacher teaches the same batch of 30 students through the entire three-year school cycle. On average the teaching time of a typical IRDO School is 675 hours in the first year and 810 hours in the following 2 years, making a total of 2,295 hours of contact time between teacher and student in the three calendar years.

Parents and community

Parental and community participation plays a vital part in program designing and from an important feature of all IRDO schools. Each school has a School Management Committee (SMC) comprises of three parents, a committee leader and a teacher, who together are responsible for the smooth running of the School and SMC meeting is held whenever necessary. The SMC and the other parents maintain the School, set up the School timing vacations and ensure the children’s regular attendance. Parent meeting is held once a month in each School so as to encourage the guardians to play an important part in the education process. On average 80% of the parents (mostly mothers) attend the meeting where parents and teacher discuss the children’s progress, attendance, cleanliness and hygiene, the responsibility of parents towards their children and any school problems requiring parental attention. The supervision by the Program Organizer facilitates the processing of the meeting.

Curriculum and teaching methods

The NFPE Program has stream lined the broad based formal Curriculum and tailored it to the essential needs of children living in a rural environment. Since a majority of IRDO school graduates continue education in the Gov. primary school the curriculum incorporates objectives in that are discussed in formal school and covers the essential contents of the formal primary education curriculum.

Currently, the NFPE curriculum consists of lessons in Bengali, Mathematics and Social Studies, English is taught from the second year of School and Religious Education is taught in the third year.

Teaching Method

A major strength of the IRDO School is in the fact that its teaching methods and classroom practices are increasingly becoming more learners centered participatory. The curriculum integrates several children to child activities in its different subjects. Concepts are learned through activities which are designed to promote independent thinking and problem solving, physical exercise, singing, dancing, drawing, craftsmanship, group work, games and story book reading are used to help the creative thinking process of the students. The curriculum is continually developed, modified and revised, enabling teachers to encourage active learning based on meaningful understanding.

NFPE Management Structure

Any education program needs to have a sound and excellent supervisory process and an efficient management system in order to be effective. For NFPE program the overall responsibility lies with IRDO’s Director (NFE). Direct management and supervision is accomplished through a structure, which includes the central office of the Director of NFE and Staff. To facilitate its multifaceted work, the program has formed material development and logistic units.

Major Achievements

IRDO successfully completed PLCEHDP-1 funded by DNFE (The then BNFE) under Ministry of Primary and Mass Education in association with World Bank, SDC, and Government of Bangladesh. IRDO has also completed other projects on NFE and SDT funded by Local NGOs and International donors. A total of 6500 learners were received NFE and SDT by 2013. At present 30 Multi Purpose Centre is going on, where 900 learners regularly enrolling with SDTs following 18 Months NFE.

Basic Literacy Programs

IRDO has five years of experience in basic literacy program. IRDO has set up 10 well equipped Training Center on permanent basis for trained up of IRDO’s different Program’s Members and its staff members. In October 2001, the Basic Literacy Program model was started as a pilot project. One Vocational Training Center has set up in Amraid under Kapasia Upazila and other Vocational Training Center has set up in Tangra Bazar of Talihati Union of Sreepur Upazila under Gazipur District.

IRDO has been conducting three types of training. One kinds of training is for IRDO different Programs staff members. These are Refreshers Courses and Basic Training for NFE and Basic Literacy Program’s Staffs. Other Kinds of training is for Organization’s staff team and other kinds of Training are for Village Organizations Members for their Income Generating Activities. Theses are as follows:

  1. Aqua Culture.
  2. Needle Work.
  3. Health Worker.
  4. Tailoring.
  5. Block-Batik and Embroidery.
  6. Dairy Farm and Cattle Fattening.
  7. Poultry Farm and Goats raising.
  8. Developed agricultural management etc.

Health, Population, Nutrition and Sanitatrion Program

  1. Essential package services (EPS) funded by IHESDT of IRELAND. This program covered by 15 upazilas of 4 districts namely Ntrokona, Mymensingh, & Sunamganj, & Sirajganj. More than 66 percent populations were come under this project as beneficiaries directly. The following activities were the main component of the project:
  2. Area Based Needs Programme Since 1999, IRDO has attempted to provide an integrated set of services based on successful health inventions of the past to beneficiaries in all areas where IRDO has established its village Organizations (VOs). The Essential Package services (EPS) is an integrated approach to reducing maternal, infant and child mortality as well improving the nutritional status of women, children and adolescents. As IRDO continues to learn and refine new interventions they will be added to the EPS ensuring a comprehensive array of proven health services available to all at an affordable cost. The EPS now covers a population of 31 million and expansion of the population covered by EPS will continue along the full range of IRDO development activities.

    In order to ensure programmer sustainability and responsiveness to community needs, EPS is using low-literate community based health volunteers called Shastho Shebikas (SSs) to deliver its health services door to door. All SSs are members of households. The Shebikas provide health educations, provide essential health commodities, treat basic ailments, collect basic health information and refer patients to health centers when necessary provide temporary contraceptives (condoms and pill), birthing delivery kits. They also receive a normal performance incentive for performing Directly Observed treatment (DOT) for the tuberculosis programmer and refer clients for pregnancy check-up and blood examination for malaria parasite. These allow the Shebikas to earn a small income, necessary for their retention in the programmer as volunteers while community members gain access to high quality, affordable items that enable them to improve their health. In recent years cards of female recruited and trained to strengthen the work of the SSs.
  3. Components of EPS Programmer
    Health and nutrition Education The SK organizes monthly health education meetings to disseminate essential massages on family planning methods, pregnancy-related care, immunization, water and sanitation, personal hygienic, child health, nutrition and tuberculosis with the assistance of the SSs in the community. To ensure the availability of vitamins mineral-rich vegetables at the household level, they also motive the community to initiate homestead gardening by distributing vegetable seeds. IRDO helps to organize different government-initiated mobilization campaigns, e.g. Vitamin-A Capsule, National Immunization Day, Measles Immunization, etc. During 2005, a total of 31200 participants attended 2250 health and nutrition education forums. In the IRDO programmer areas, 95% of the children aged between one and five years received Vitamin a capsules.
  4. Water and Sanitation By the Financial assistance of DPHE the water and Sanitation component encompasses within the community. SSs and SKs work to generate demand for safe water and sanitation facilities through household visits and cluster health education forms. In addition, information on linkages between good health and sanitation are also provided through popular theatres, workshops, rallies and community leaders. A unique feature of this programme is promoting private-sector involvement in service delivery. IRDO provides extra loan amounting to taka 1000-2000 with Grihayan loan that is repayable by 10 years with 1% interest.

    IRDO is working closely with other NGOs and the government to achieve universal coverage of sanitation by 2010 in 92 unions across the country, among which universal coverage in 11 unions has already been achieved in 2005. Universal sanitation coverage was achieved in Shibpur Upazila under narsingdi district. Currently, IRDO is involved in achieving universal coverage in Monohardi Upazila by June 2007 and by December 2006 12050 sets of sanitary latrines were installed under EPS programme.
  5. Family Planning
    The SSs and SKs educate women on the usage and benefits of modern contraceptive methods through household visits. The SSs also provide birth control pills and condoms, and refer women to the government’s secondary and tertiary facilities for other temporary and permanent contraceptive methods. The SSs monitor results and refer women to health centers in case of side effects. During the year 2005, the contraceptive coverage was found to be 60%.
  6. Immunization
    The SSs and SKs are responsible for educating women about the importance of Immunization. They also provide information regarding the location of government- run immunization centers and monitor for any immunization-induced side effects. During the reporting period measles coverage was 85% in EPS areas.
  7. Pregnancy Related Care
    IRDO provides Pregnancy-related services through community-based ante and post-natal care to rural women. Identification and registration of pregnant women, screening for high risk pregnancy, education on danger signs, birth planning and diet during pregnancy as well as provision of iron-folic acid and TT immunization are the major components of pregnancy related care. In addition, mothers are also motivated to seek assistance from trained professionals and paraprofessionals during delivery. About 507 pregnant women received antenatal care and 153 women received postnatal care from IRDO ante Natal care centers and static facilities during 2005.
  8. Basic Curative Services
    To prevent income-loss from illness, SSs have been trained to diagnose and treat some basic health ailments common in the community such as anemia, diarrhea, dysentery, common cold, and helminthes is, ringworm scabies, hyperacidity, angular, stomatitis and prevention of goiter. Additionally, the SSs are able to refer individuals with more complicated conditions to the local public and private health facilities.
  9. Essential Health care for Poor
    IRDO initiated a special health programme designed to address the challenges of improving health outcomes among the more disadvantaged poor population which has very limited access to health services and information provided through the conventional system. The provision of health care services for the poor involves two distinct strategies in addition to normal EPS services. First, the programme provides health awareness and basic health care services to all STUP diagnosed with mild and severe morbidity are provided with financial assistance for their clinical care. An essential component of the implementation strategy is to undertake a health survey on mild and severe diseases among STUP households during households visits by the programme Organizer (PO) and to take necessary steps for clinical care.
  10. Training
    Training can bring positive changes by improving the level of knowledge and skills and promoting a positive attitude that will contribute to the development of the programme. With the expansion of the existing programme and in addressing the new initiatives, the training unit played a major role in maintaining the quality of the programme through different needs-based a major role in maintaining the quality of the programme through different needs-based capacity development initiatives.
  11. Nutrition Programme
    As a partner of the Nutrition Programme, IRDO facilitates the Government’s initiatives to reduce malnutrition for 13 million people across 53 Upazila of Bangladesh. The major target groups are children under 2 years, pregnant and lactating women, newly wed couples and adolescent girls. Under the Memorandum of understanding (MOU), IRDO is responsible for implementing growth promotion and supplementation, social mobilization, training, logistics and quality assurance in all program areas (Upazilas). In addition, IRDO is intimately involved with the Government in conceptualizing and developing models and planning and human resources development initiatives to improve household Food Security through Nutrition (PFN), Household food security through Nutrition Gardening (HFSNG) and Vulnerable Group Development programmes. A small loan, technical training, logistics and programme support were provided under these programmes to beneficiaries. At the community level, all nutrition activities are centered in a Community based Nutrition Centre (CNC). Through CNCs, the CNPs under supervision of CNO and with the support of women Group members offer nutrition education and food supplementation to the target population.

Skill Development Training Program

IRDO has a well equipped training division. Essential courses for the different program have been conducted training in different innovative, educational, and development activities. IRDO deemed, training make a man perfect. IRDO has 05 Training centers, of which two in its own (IRDO) lands located in Amraid of Kapasia under Gazipur District, and Narsingdi sadar, others are in different Program areas which covered different types of training for beneficiaries, staffs and other officials:

Training Program

There are four types of training conducted by IRDO from its training center

IT Related Training Freelance

  1. O-Desk
  2. Blogging
  3. SEO
  4. Ad Posting, Linkbuilding, Forum Posting, Backlink, etc.
  5. Adsense (Google, Adbrite, Bidvertiser etc)
  6. Affiliate Marketing
  7. Payment System, Master Card

Online Earning and Outsourcing

Course Summary
Our Online earning course is a combination of many ways and works, to know how anyone can earn money at home. We train and teach how to earn money online and what have to do and learn. We have a training outline to teach you all works from the very beginner. we'll teach:-

  1. how to do the work successfully
  2. how to get job online easily
  3. how to communicate with clients promptly
  4. where you can get jobs with sound amount of money
  5. How you withdraw money from your local bank and also a MASTER card will be provided by us.
  6. Basically, our online earning course is helpful and ensure for those who will practice our lessons./li>

Advance SEO Course

Course Summary
Our Online earning course is a combination of many ways and works, to know how anyone can earn money at home. We will teach you how to earn money online and what you have to do and learn. We have a training outline to teach you all works from the very beginner. we'll teach you

  1. how to do the work successfully
  2. how to get job online easily
  3. how to communicate with clients promptly
  4. where you can get jobs with sound amount of money
  5. How you withdraw money from your local bank and also a MASTER card will be provided by us.
  6. Basically, our online earning course is 100% Guaranteed for who will practice our lessons.

Google Adsense and Affiliation

Course Summary
Our search engine optimization training course will give the real skill to set up, monitor and maintain a successful search engine optimization campaign and gain better web site search engine positioning on the world’s most popular search engines and directories. We will teach on-page and off-page SEO to make money online easily by spending short time at home:

Data Analysis/Entry
Data analysis or entry in Excel or other programs.
Internet/database research
Outbound Calling
Make calls to clients, vendors, or others
Social Media Mgmt
Social media and blog management
Graphic/Web Design
Design/Build your website, logos and email templates
Online Store Front Mgmt
Web/Blog/Online Store Content management
Travel Planning

Create itinerary and bookings for your dream vacation this summer

A one-stop-shop for all your designing needs! Be it print or web, our professional graphics team will help carry your image across all mediums. We understand that entrepreneurs have very little time and our highly skilled staff can convert your vision into visually appealing designs. All you need to do is to like it!

Web Design

Creative design, graphic art, content management and right technology comes together in perfect blend to provide you with the best web design. Our experienced pool of designers will transform your thoughts into professional-looking, fully functional websites that will help increase traffic to your website.

Logo Design

Is there a thought you would like your logo to invoke in your customer's mind? Is there a message that you perceive your logo should communicate? Tell us what you have in mind and our team of skilled artists will convert these thoughts into designs that are guaranteed to delight you.

Email Template

Mass email campaigns need more than just words. With our expertise in iContact, ConstantContact, MailChimp and the likes we can convert your content into effective and pleasing communication campaigns.

Educational program related training

  1. NFE Teachers/ Staffs basic training.
  2. NFE Teachers/ refreshers training.
  3. Basic literacy program management training.
  4. Continuing education program (Ganakendra) Management Training.
  5. Vocational training on different trades etc.

Income generating activities training

  1. Small business.
  2. Poultry and dairy farm.
  3. Kitchen gardening.
  4. Fishing net weaving.
  5. Beef fattening.
  6. Goats rising.
  7. Aqua culture.
  8. Small and cottage industries.
  9. Handicrafts and tailoring.
  10. Block, batik, and printing etc.

Health, environment and gender development training.

Primary health care training.
Management Training.
Mother and child health care training.
Family Planting & MCH SD.
Safe motherhood training.
HFSNG, Poultry for Nutrition.
Nursery development training.
FS/HS & Monitoring Training.
Disaster management training.
Basic & Refreshers Training.
Improve oven making training.
Solar System Installation & Care.
Gender development training.

Environment / Social Forestry Program

Social Forestry Program

In order to preserve the environment, IRDO has initiated a social forestry program. The purpose of the project is to carry out extensive plantation on underutilized lands. Farmers have planted tress long-term economic value, on their homesteads on riverbanks and unutilized spaces on farmlands, roadside and many other social and community-based institution’s open spaces.

The purpose of IRDO’s Social Forestry Program is to alleviate poverty and simultaneously protect the environment. In Bangladesh, forest comprises only 6.25% of the total land area. Per capita forestland constitute only 0.02 hector, which is one of the lowest in the world. On the other hand demand for timber and fuel wood are rising due to the growing population. To face the large-scale deforestation, IRDO’s Social Forestry Program is working to during all available land in the rural areas under forestation with the active participation of the rural poor.

The program engages participants in operating horticulture and grafting nurseries either on their homesteads or on unused land. They are given access to credit from the Micro Credit Program of IRDO, training on seedling production / grafting, input support in the from of seed or seedling and technical and marketing assistance. Micro Credit Program members, who own or can mortgage 20-60 decimal of land, carry out agro forestry activities. In agro forestry food crops and tree crops are planted on the same plot of land in alternate strips of rows and columns. Short term, mid term and long term crops are planted simultaneously so that year round income is ensured for the participants. Till June 2012, a total of 875 participants were involved in horticulture and grafting nursery activities. It is possible to earn an average of Taka 3000/- (three thousand) per month from activities carried out under Social Forestry Program.

Micro Credit Program/SME

Micro Credit & Savings Program

With the very beginning of IRDO, it has introduced Micro credit Program, as it is the Proven means of poverty alleviation. In January 1999 IRDO started Micro Credit Program with its own revolving loan fund, contributed by the members of Executive Committee and General committee. Afterward Grehayon Tahabil (Bangladesh Bank) of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, DANIDA, JSKP was contributed in this Program. A total of 22,235 loonies were provided Micro Credit facility with an amount of Taka 14.17 crore by December 31, 2013. Total outstanding amount is BDTk. 22,234,708.00 saving Amounts of this program is BDTk 6,339,379.00. The revolving Loan funds are available of the following purposes:

  1. Small business.
  2. Poultry and dairy farm.
  3. Kitchen gardening.
  4. Fishing net weaving.
  5. Irrigation pumps purchasing.
  6. Beef fattening.
  7. Goats rising.
  8. Sewing machine purchase.
  9. Aqua culture.
  10. Seeds, fertilizer, pesticides purchasing.
  11. Small and cottage industries.
  12. Handicrafts, Tailoring.
  13. Block-Batik & printing etc.
  14. Fishing net weaving